Witch Ball
Filled with intentions, ingredients and items believed to ward negativity, attract blessings, and more. Ritualistically handcrafted and personalized per custom request. Items and ingredients will differ. It’s purpose should determine where best to hang it. To ward nightmares, hang by the bed. To ward away ill intentions, hang by the most trafficked door. To attract wealth, hang in your office.
Filled with intentions, ingredients and items believed to ward negativity, attract blessings, and more. Ritualistically handcrafted and personalized per custom request. Items and ingredients will differ. It’s purpose should determine where best to hang it. To ward nightmares, hang by the bed. To ward away ill intentions, hang by the most trafficked door. To attract wealth, hang in your office.
Filled with intentions, ingredients and items believed to ward negativity, attract blessings, and more. Ritualistically handcrafted and personalized per custom request. Items and ingredients will differ. It’s purpose should determine where best to hang it. To ward nightmares, hang by the bed. To ward away ill intentions, hang by the most trafficked door. To attract wealth, hang in your office.